In the year 1996, Dow Jonez, born Christopher D.S. Strong, was known by all of Irving, TX as Golden Child and was respected amongst a good portion of the Dallas local music scene as The Next Big Thing. Poetically gifted, he began emceeing around 94 and swiftly grew proficient with words. Graduating from high school for most teens brought about the struggles of college life and corporate America, but for Jonez, the hunt for a record deal was first priority. Growing in popularity and presence, Jonez, during the summer of 99, began an affiliation with a group of well-known producers. Four years later, in August of 2003, Dow Jonez made the decision to part ways with his affiliates and released his first LP The Industrial which was symbolic of the industrial park that powered the weak economy in Greenwood, MS, where he grew up. With Jonezs impeccable ability to paint vivid pictures with clever and detailed lyricism, The Industrial was received as one of the most redefining and ground breaking hip-hop albums created thus far on the Dallas/Ft. Worth hip-hop scene. Presently, Jonez is working on music that will comprise his second LP,Somethin Gotta Change scheduled to release on Grimelife Records. STAY INFORMED ABOUT DOWJONEZ AT !
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