I'd like to meet:
1. I like to spell things with a ph like phun phil phacts.
2. Consider me an intellectual. I read physics textbooks for fun and question EVERYTHING.
3. Im insane but smart about it. Aka there is much method in my madness.
4. I am always occupied with computers or random projects. Right now I am making a movie with my friends(cinematic) set to debut in 2007 and attempting to learn spanish.
5. I am getting one B.S. in psycholgy this year and another in biology in 1.5 years. Impressed? Me neither.
6. I have an overactive imagination that consumes me.
7. I have broad interests. People call me Dr. Phil because I usually have answers to questions and because I give regular breast exams free of charge.
8. Ive been given nothing in life and learned everything on my own without guidance. "Street smarts" are second nature. Call me self made, call me what you will.. or phil.
9. I dont consider myself a metal head, it's just that all the good music in the world just happens to be Heavy Metal and I like good music.
10. I work full time. School full time. Make websites. Repair computers. Write for a newspaper. Read constantly. Study Eastern religons. Party like no tommorow because there is none.
11. I am the most brutality honest individual you have ever met or not met. There is no time in life for euphamisms or remaining false to yourself.
Age :: 23
Body :: Sasquatch/Body Builder
Status :: I have a great and sexy lady
Here for :: Networking and friends
Orientation :: Women
Hometown :: Seaford N.Y. Not by choice
Ethnicity :: Phil
Occupation :: Full time student. Ebay lister. Web Designer. Limerick Maker. Philanthropy. Philosopher. Sayer of Phun phacts.