kickin back...wild styles all over the tomb of yo dreams...
Extraterrestrial Life Forms, Doc Lewd(1 more time b4 i die)
the shifters...under teh ground...akuma...anti.con...doc lewd...2mex.murs(the brainbusters)...mickey...andre...barfly...innaspace...sub... chainsmokers...westside young...buck...josh martinez...B.I.G...all the bands my friends are in...Rock.N.Roll!!! CIRCUS
Serios movies...Funny movies...Scary movies...Sad movies...Long movies...Animation movies...Action movies...Old West movies...Space movies...all the good one as long as its not in the theater
dont got it
way of the peacefull warrior...sacred journey...mind.body.mastery.
HERCULES....ted kazinsky...and ted bundy...rappers...DJ's...writer... ...themanwhoinventedspraypaint...Profreshinuls...