LetS see Im Nto EverytHing....O waIt except U I HaVe SoMeOnE tHat I EnJoY BeIn WiTH....I Love My FriEnds...I LiKe the CluB SceNe SomeWhat...I LoVe CloThes N ShOes thAts SometHing I Have 2 HavE!
Just My InneR seLf.....Im a SpoiLd BitcH!! HerEs a ClassIC....We HaveN Been ToGetHer In So LonG!I LoVe theSe GirLs....This AiNt aLL of thEM!
I LiKe aLot of StuFF: BoosIe...WeBBie....PlieS...N Other RaNdoM ShIT...I Like the MusIc a Sing...even ThOugh It SuckS!!!!
BeLLy...Love N BasketBall....2 Can Play ThaT GaMe...Its too Many to Name...O yeaH dont WatCh me Haters WatCh T.V.
I DonT Have TyMe to WatCh t.V....But whEn I Do Its RanDom Shit!
I Dont Read Unless Its ImporTant....But in college I Have 2 b On It...
My FaMilY....N GOD!....And I Love DaVid{He's the besT}