David esta aburrido. And no, Not a burrito.
Hmmm, me in a nutshell?No seriously tho. I'm David, friends call me Dave, however-ever, ur mom calls me like all the time oooooOh...! lol anyway, I'm 24 Peruvian, originally from Paterson, New Jersey (NOT NEW JOIZEY!!) lol Even though my pics look like I go partying every night of my life. I tend to choose my bar battles aka drinking and etc. And obviously, people usually only take pics when they're out for certain occasions. I like music alot and graphic design which are hobbies I choose cause they make me feel really cool.I also play the guitar,andI used to do hip hop production which I made a small amount of success in that Im proud of, but some things you just fall out of love with. Hmm, I never knew this would be so hard..But thats what she said. Anyway, I think I look good in black, I'll sing at the top of my lungs long as I got back up, I'm fucking awesome in beer pong even though I've only played like twice. Wait no, the last time i played beer pong I was awesome. The other times dont count. I've gone through alot in life that's made me understand trials and tribulations make you stronger, and prepare you for the next day. At the end of the day there's nobody that has ever met me that has not said that "dave's a good dude". And then some say "his weiner is HUGE" But anyway hit me up, making new friends sounds good to me. lol