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Right well i thought as its been a while i might actually put something here for you people who try and add me on the off chance you actually read this.
Whatever little ways you think are original of asking me to bounce something, or how i bounce IVE HEARD IT ALREADY.
lol dont bother just randomly adding me if you havent met me, even if you have safe bet is to remind me as i probably forgot.
~I like movie nights with snuggles, random excursions, to anywhere, and seeing all my wonderliscious chums. Im me im brash, abrasive and bad for your health
I have a million things that randomly annoy me and depending how much sleep/sex/alkihol/sugar ive had you might just get away with it, small list - people who dont stand up for themselves, people who bully those people, people who dont know how to just say "I don't know", running out of milk when i want a cuppa, Job interviews, people talking over films i havent seen, people waking me up and being surprised when im not as awake as them, TIM WESTWOOD, bad teeth, a bad gig, chavs, stereotypical people who arent actually being themselves, people who try too hard to impress, spandex (its a priveiledge, not a right), people who think they should automatically be respected but think their respect should be earnt, two faced people, backstabbers, cheaters, the usual!! Im like the Queen of pointless rants!!!
Im currently trying to buy tickets to all the places i want to go and things i want to see this year Its just not happening!! Im allways broke, but where theres a will theres a way!! otherwise.......i currently work at Orange and have a real knack for alt+tab and copy n paste, im so talented, i would love to get a proper job but i have no idea what i want to do when i grow up!! i have the most wonderful friends all over the place who are amazingly thick......skinned and am rather happy with things generally not being at all serious or tying me down - fantastically unpredictable :) well if it was boring i'd only complain!!