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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

About me? Shit there isn't much to tell. I'm a man trying to figure his own head out, while not falling into anyone elses. I beleive in all manner of unorthodox things (ie. Psychics, UFOs, the power of imagination, free speach, and women who make sence) and i will fight to the death for all the things i believe. Don't expect good spelling. My mind is my greatest tool, focused thought and applied willpower can solve any problem. Nothing is impossible if you beleive it. I am willfull, stubborn, opinionated and one of the most loyal friends you could ever have. Irony though isn't it given the events of the last year. Layout made by debbie2008

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The cast of Firefly. Joss Whedon. A Deity. The person who will hand me 1 million dollars. Honestly there are alot of folks i'd liek to meet. I'd like to meet Robert Heinlen but i'll ahve to wait for the afterlife for that one. I'd liek to meet so many of the creative forces behind some of ht most beutiful works man has yet come up with and ask them simply "How?" I'd like to meet someone who understands me without me having to explain it 9 times. I'd like to meet someone who can read people and notice patterns as well as i can so someone will have as refined a sence of intuition as i do. Jeff Dunham; Achmed's "Jingle Bombs"
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My Blog

More new world, Elves pt 2.

Last post i talked about the Dushani, the warrior elves who beleive it is strength of arms that makes one strong. Well there are other schools of thought... The Seenai (pronounced See Nah He) were of ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 18:47:00 GMT

More of my new world

Well last time i posted about this i posted in general aobut the races. This post i'm going to take a bit more in depth look at the Elves. The elves, in the early days of the races' existance, were of...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 15:13:00 GMT

Start of somthign new...

I've been in the mood to try writing short stories. Not sure why but it's one thing i've neever really been good at so i don't often practice. So here goes. I'm gonan try and write a series of short s...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:17:00 GMT

My new World

Alright well it took me a bit but i finally got off my lazy ass and got around to posting the first part of my ideas. Now for a breif description of how it came to be. I come up with some of the most ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 May 2006 17:39:00 GMT

Dream a little Dream

Well i've descided since i took the itme to set this thing up in order to better contact my friends i may as well put it to use. Int eh coming times i will begin slowly posting detials and fleshing ou...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 20:49:00 GMT