Pope of Staunton profile picture

Pope of Staunton

About Me

moved from Ct. to Va. in '91...former Navy landscaping and population control specialist (aviation ordnance).I have loaded bombs, rockets, walleyes,sidewinder missiles, worked on 20mm gun systems on A7 corsairs and various other things that go BOOM. I own a wood flooring business, we do high end installations, borders, custom designs, pretty much anything nobody else around the central Va. area can handle...had my work published in a magazine or two..have a wiener dog named Napoleon, and am working on restoring a 130 y.o. house...while living in it. I like golf, my harley , and macaroni salad...really enjoy being a carnivore I also think motorcyclists should have freedom of choice helmetwise. ....love myrtle beach,hatteras seashore or any beach for that matter

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

folks like you

My Blog

moulin rouge- the mother of chick flicks...thanks Heide

Heidelicious reminded me of this-My ex wife took me to see moulin rouge.... as the movie progressed, I asked her what I had done that was so bad that deserved this excruciating payback...if there was ...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:04:00 GMT

I'm gonna be rich!!!!!!!

I got this email this morning and now I can follow my dream....----- Original Message ----From: "[email protected]" To: [email protected]: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:46:43 AMSubject: Heavenl...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:25:00 GMT

If only Nascar had a Harley full dresser division

I rode the Harley up north to be at the Connecticut Vietnam Veterans Memorial fund raising ride. No windshield, just goggles, hat, occasional helmet, 80 mph breezes, sun, sand, and grime. The drive up...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 16:14:00 GMT

high school

Went to my 25th high school reunion the day after thanksgiving. I think I'm kind of lucky to have gone to school in North Branford, Ct. and have been in the class of '81.  We had a great class, h...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 07:56:00 GMT

shoulda blogged this first

For those of you that were there at Baja Tuesday night I don't have to tell you.....for those that were not all I can say is that you missed the greatest night of music in the history of Staunton, ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:26:00 GMT