..the names:]felycia[:
I'm a junior♥
i'm simply just a girl that'loves too have fun&& is taking life how it comes(:!!
Sometimes life dosent always go my way,there r things that that i regret,&&things that im not proud of...
but everything happen's for a reason:/
&&thats life i live it.love.it,&&learn from it(;
i just lost the only brother i had
his name was Ferny
but i've learned too be strong :/
I knw he's watching over me& is in heaven dancing with the stars.. ! :/
i miss him too too much !
so there's this boy !! ..... :]
i'm super in love with this boyy♥
He's the most amazing boyriend in the world that i love too death(;
His name is :)JOSEPH♥(:
&& i wouldn't trade him for the world:]
&& no ones ever gonna take him away:]
&& i knw he will be there for me anytime..
ii.love too eat all the time
My favorite r HOT CHEETOS
ii. hate school the most:p
butt.love my friends=P
if there's one thing i love the most in this world is when Joseph calls me his FAT GIRL.... :]