I like a lot of things. lol. Advent Children, LotR, PotC, vampires, movies, videogames, and chatting with friends on the computer are my top favorites. Uh...my mood changes constantly, so don't be scared if I seem bubbly one moment and a psycho-like weirdo next. :P
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, FF7, and Devil May Cry 3 and 4 are my top fave video games. I rarely beat them in less than a week (like I did with kh2). xP
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
ULTIMATEVictory by PoptartsThe Cloud Song
.. width="425" height="350">.."Yaranaika"DMC: The Stupid Files 7
What do the Silver Haired boys think of you?Yazoo: Loves you and your coldness, he loves the way on how you can be so heartless and not give a damn about what you just did. He also admires the fact that you are smart. ((For guys you two are the best of friends))Sephiroth: Has a crush on you but hates admitting to it. ((For guys he's a close friend))Kadaj: Thinks your going to end up shot because of your coldness, Loz: Thinks your okay, but hates it when you threaten him.Cloud: Thinks you need to get a heart, seriousely how can someone be that cold and live with themselves?
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