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About Me

I like a lot of things. lol. Advent Children, LotR, PotC, vampires, movies, videogames, and chatting with friends on the computer are my top favorites. mood changes constantly, so don't be scared if I seem bubbly one moment and a psycho-like weirdo next. :P Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, FF7, and Devil May Cry 3 and 4 are my top fave video games. I rarely beat them in less than a week (like I did with kh2). xP OMG HOJO<3>..LotRCHIBI!!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
ULTIMATEVictory by PoptartsThe Cloud Song .. width="425" height="350">.."Yaranaika"DMC: The Stupid Files 7 What do the Silver Haired boys think of you?Yazoo: Loves you and your coldness, he loves the way on how you can be so heartless and not give a damn about what you just did. He also admires the fact that you are smart. ((For guys you two are the best of friends))Sephiroth: Has a crush on you but hates admitting to it. ((For guys he's a close friend))Kadaj: Thinks your going to end up shot because of your coldness, Loz: Thinks your okay, but hates it when you threaten him.Cloud: Thinks you need to get a heart, seriousely how can someone be that cold and live with themselves?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The voice actors of Advent Children/Kingdom Hearts (actually, only Riku and a few others for Kingdom Hearts.. x3 ), Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, any cast member from LotR or PotC. I already met Sean Astin at a book signing. I was so happy.

My Blog


IHAVE ADVENT CHILDREN ON DVD YESSS yaaaay alright, I'm done. x)
Posted by on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:30:00 GMT


um...I' here? o.O lol yeah, really new. Have patience with me if I don't get some things. ^^'' Hajimimashite. Doozo yoroshiku. *bows*
Posted by on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 15:35:00 GMT