FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM profile picture

FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM

As long as it doesn't hurt too much.

About Me

THIS PART BLOWS. I'm not interested in trying to describe myself to anyone. It's an impossibility for me because it changes on any given day. I DON'T NEED F*%CING "My-fakes" FRIENDS so dont ask.

My Interests

EVERYTHING interests me except trying to describe myself for some lame-ass profile so strangers think they have some idea of who I really am based on what I happen to be writing that day. This part ALSO blows.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet all the people in the world that get on the floor to play with children. I'd like to meet and fall in love with Atticus Finch. I would be excited to meet Vincent VanGogh and Billie Holiday, R.F.K. Diane Fossy, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw and Peter O'Toole. I want to meet as many kind and caring people as possible in my lifetime so I know I am not alone, and it's not so much that I'd like to meet or know Kurt Cobain as I would like to have been around just once when he was comfortable in his own skin and played his guitar. We share a love of American music sang with American voices. Even Courtney Love said "I knew it was a privilege to be around when he played"


Words are meaningless when Im asked about music. I have ( and always had ) a connection with music that is almost impossible to articulate. I am moved by Everything BUT C and W. If you have to ask what C and W stands for then you've already past the test. I lost my virginity listening to The Clash, Vividly, I can recall being a 16yr old punk-rocker w/ my shaved head and grimy boyfriend sniffing zoff in the Shaftsbury Ave. station while The Police's Roxanne filled the platforms and the tunnels. I must have written Mrs. Jimmy Page a thousand times during class in high school. I spent summer after summer riding my bike to the beach (39th and Seashore) where we would lay-out and K.L.O.S was the soundtrack of the sun-sand-heat-boys-skin-sweat-sex. I wanted to make a baby with ______ everytime that Lauren Hill song played a few years ago and still want him that way whenever I hear her say "tell me who I have to be..." Music moves me. nothing else moves me the way music does, nothing


I watch them.


I watch it.


I read them.



My Blog

Star - Fucking Namedroppers

Before you leave or look away...  I encourage you to read  this.  A time came in my life when I finally got it ... when, in the midst of all my fears and insanity, I stopped dead in my...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:10:00 PST

Born To Lead - Hoobastank

Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 03:01:00 PST

Oh Yeah...I'm a BADASS

Even though my friends are as pretty close to perfect as you can get, one of the things that I love about them is that they never stop improving themselves.  Not that an attitude of moving forwor...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:23:00 PST

To Melissa - Manifest Destiny

I believe in miracles. Dreams do come true. You will.............because you can. CONGRATULATIONS MELISSA on the hoobastank video.?...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 11:27:00 PST

The F-Word....Family

?? It never ceases to amaze me that there exists this side of human behavior whereas a perverse pleasure is obtained by watching other people fail or sink. Even when it is someone to whom you are clos...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:30:00 PST

Been There/ Loved That and Steve O. needs rehab

  K.R.O.Q 's Almost Acoustic Christmas for the second year in a row. Another blessing as a result of staying clean (thanks NA). Two big surprises this year......As part of the 2005 show they pla...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 11:32:00 PST

MEETING THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS and then his beautiful wife.

Is there more than one guy on this planet that can look at me like he does through eyeliner eyes all bloodshot from to many all-nighters? Where are the other guys that arent afraid to voice an opinion...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 04:44:00 PST

I Bet You Think This Song Is About You

♥ Nothing quite as bitter as getting a taste of your own medicine.   Jagged little pills.  I swallow them down and pray it doesnt hurt as much the next time I remember...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 04:29:00 PST

Band Of Brothers

  If you havent heard me say by now then I will once again tell you-whoever-you-happen-to-be that the world is a good place but because of my friends ........ My WORLD is GREAT !.   ...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 04:47:00 PST

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse

CASA* AND TV LAND/NICK AT NITE REPORT SHOWS FREQUENT FAMILY DINNERS CUT TEENS SUBSTANCE ABUSE RISK IN HALFHow often a family eats dinner together is a powerful indicator of whether a teen is likely t...
Posted by FeaR ANd LoaThinG iN MY liViNG roOM on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 02:23:00 PST