God, My Family, Common Ground, Snow Skiing, messing with computers, hiking, sitting on mountain tops.
Visit Common Ground
I'd like to meet:
Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Williams, Peter, Paul, Abraham, David, Elijah, Joseph, Einstein, Lewis & Clark, Neil Armstrong
Jars of Clay, George Winston, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Delirious?, Dire Straits
Not worth my time anymore...
The Bible (NLT), Blink, 1776, John Adams, Freakanomics, The World is Flat, The Divine Conspiracy, Messiah, Now Discover Your Strengths, The Sacred Romance, Wild at Heart, Leading From Your Strengths, My Utmost for His Highest, The Tipping Point, Undaunted Courage, Present Future, Death by Meeting...