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brooklyn ♥

About Me

Sometimes.... sometimes, I am just a girl.

My Interests

Things change, you know? Phase of the week: Enjoying the fruits of our Western city.

I'd like to meet:

other times i am laughing. most times i am a little bit crazy. in fairy land all of the time.


Stuff with Adam Sandler.. and Johnny Depp..A night at the roxbury..Baseketball.. Oh i don't know.... mind blank. Anything funny. Or romantically cheesy. Anything Kubrick.Ok so The Notebook is my favourite movie.


So you think you can dance. Adidas couch commentary for lyf.The Office, Seinfeld, Family Guy, Law and Order SVU...Oprah..South Park..Arrested Development... mmmmhm.


Roots Manuva- Rodney Smith."In the words of my good friend from Oasis, don't believe the truth. Seek your own realness. Don't watch too much MTV. No disrespect to MTV , but its like you musn't eat too much McDonalds. Not only because its not good for you but you must try and expand your mind. Read a book, eat at least one new meal a month that you haven't tried before. You know I never used to like couscous, now I eat it all the time"Respect.


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My Blog

Vote one, Shmigel

In Leichardt playing the waiting game.. waiting waiting waiting.. Creeping myspaces, waiting, emailing, waiting, sitting, waiting. Leichardt is really interesting lately in a way totally amusing mainl...
Posted by Brooke on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:02:00 PST