Late nights& late texts. Wear too much make-up. piss the parents off. make art that will shock. wear to much vintage. drink till your sick. write till you fall asleep. drunken i loves you's. hand holding. summer nights. nights in with wine. nights out. learn to drive. have obsession with the london art scene. textiles. fine art& surface design. morning coffees. little coffee, vintage & retro shops. memories. sunny days. manchester. travel to anywhere. take photos. messy hair. the cold side of the pillow. . good manours. nice smiles. the smell of bed head. old photographs. . raving to shit music. be inspired by the little things. Jackass with my dick'ed. a nice pint of larger & orange. work your ass off. collage your bedroom wall in memories. nice days on the beach. summer nights. good music american indie with rare london indie bands. piss ups. people being honest, family, big hoodies, nail varnish, hugs, long texts. go to lots of art galleries, the theory side of art. learning new things. read a good book, gigs, travel to new places, rare bands,
atm Bright Eyes♥ lightspeed champion elephant parade brittle stars get cape, wear cape. fly emy the great bob dylan pj harvey willy mason OLD kings of leon Gregory and the Hawk chris garneau i like bands that are Different, none of that shitty pop stuff tah.
my dad. people say i'm a daddy's girl but i don't think i really am, this year ive gotten so close to this man. He's done so many things for me& shown me so many things. I guess we have had are fights at times it doesn't seem that i love him but i do. He's tort me so much about music & bands. He's shown me not to follow anything just be myself. I think it's funny how he drops me off at the buss stop and goes ' have a nice day, ya hear' in his silly voice. I like how we both have the sweetest sounding itunes ever& if i ask him about any bands he knows about 10 bands that sound the same. I guess he's the smartest person ily.
S.D+C.J♥ These two are all i need in my life.