Volunteering for family oriented organizations has become a passion of mine in the last few years. Computers will always be at the top of my "Interest" list. I am a PC Certification junkie, and must keep them updated at all times. I am also in love with homeschooling my son. I have become quite the teacher, and have found that I get a 2nd chance to learn all of the things that I never paid attention to in school, all ocer again!
Jesus, and our Lord, but I am patient, and while I look forward to the day where I am with them forever, in absolute peace and contentment, I am in no hurry for that to happen any sooner or later than it is meant to. There are several authors, artists, inventors, etc, that I would love to have met and conversed with. I also would like to have met my Grandfather; my Dad's Dad, as I never had the chance. Lets see, I would also love to meet people who have travelled. I am so envious of those who have been places, beautiful places all over the world, and have stories and experiences to share.
I was raised by a musician. Among the many things that such a situation has taught me ... is an appreciation for all music. While I may not prefer certain styles, I am open to all types; which makes it hard for me to be picky. I have gone through phases. Right now, I enjoy (and need) anything that makes me feel calm and tranquil, such as Enigma & Enya. Every now and then I crave anything agressive and full of angst. Linkin Park suits me just fine in such a moment.
STAY, The Gladiator, BraveHeart, etc Again, a tough one to one to be picky about. I am a regular at the video store every week for the "New Releases". I also enjoy classic marathons of old B&W films, as they don't get any more romantic and beautiful as these. I love big budget films, and Sundance Film Festival types as well.
NO reality TV ~ We enjoy all Law & Order ~ Inside the Actors Studio (depending on the guest) ~ Greys Anatomy ~ October Road ~ And after the 5/3 Epiosde of Greys, I am pretty sure I will become an OceanSide Wellness fan as well (By the way, I have absolutely no time at all for TV, which is why Tivo is one of my very best friends)
Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet" ~ The Road Less Travelled ~ The Giving Tree ~ The Davinci Code
Christ, My Father, My Husband ... and my boy. My son is truly is my hero. He saved me just in time, from so very much, especially myself. He introduced me to a me I had no idea existed. Thank you baby.