Kickin ass in Street Fighter, Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Soul Calibur, Capcom vs SNK, Marvel vs Capcom 2. Other than games, I play wit my daughter and son, work out, and pretty much get my shit straight to go to the Navy!
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what kind of assassin are you?
You are astreet fighter. You don't really have a plan, you just get the job done. You usually use whatever you can to 'subdue' your targets.
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The Sex Survey
Are you a virgin? Hellz no. Lost that card years ago
Do you give head/Lick pussy? Done it before..its aight..
What is your hot spot? I'll let you try and find it
Have you had anal sex? Hell no
Would you do it again? Didn't do it the 1s
Have you ever made out with someone of the opposite sex? Can't count the times
Have you ever sexed someone of the opposite sex? Can't count the times
Have you ever cheated on your other half? Way back when in High School
Favorite Position? Missionary, her thighs on my shoulders
What is you favorite sexual fantasy?'ll get back to you
Who was your best sex partner? You know who you are, Grimey Chick!!
Have you ever answered the phone while having sex? Yup
Have you ever pictured someone else while having sex? If the pussy was weak, yup!
Do you watch porn? Yeah..that shit is funny
Do you videotape you and your partner having sex? Nope
Have you ever fingered or hand job'ed someone? Yup
Do you ever fantasize about
Stepparent? Hell no!
Teacher It was this subsititute teacher a few years back..yall niggas know how substitutes can be!
Principal? Nope
Coach? Nope
Singer? First it was Janet, then it was Eve, now it's Shakira. Get em!
Actor? Me and Angelina Jolie gotta baby but don't tell nobody
Model? Don't never know their names..
your counsins? Nah, thats for yall country mo'fuckas!! Lol
Y'know yo boy fucks wit the Rap and R&B game. My top niggas right now is The Game, T.I., LOX, DMX, Jay-Z, Nas, Kanye West. Big ups to they music, yo. I'm real big on Jazz.
Samurai X-Trust and Betrayal, Samurai X-Reflections, The Last Dragon, Kill Bill Vol 1. & 2., Boyz N The Hood, 18 Bronzemen, The Drunken Master, 'Stop Snitchin, Stop Lyin'. Rocky 1 -- Rocky 4. Goodfellas. Godfather 1 & 2. Gladiator, Troy, Braveheart, King Arthur, Saw...yo, get at me! I swear I got like 100+ more!!
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Hajime no Ippo, Rurouni Kenshin, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Family Guy, Sopranos, Law and Order, Law and Order:SVU. Shit, I think that's it. I be at work the majority of the time... Good Example Of What Happens If You Owe Me $$$
Anything Tom Clancy and I mess wit some of Stephen King. Pretty much if the subject matter is interesting, I'll have it handled in a week.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. They put they lives on the line so that we can do the ignorant shit that we do everyday. We wouldn't be too far without them. Much love to fallen heroes. My Father, who I try to be like more and more everyday.And especially my little brothers Cameron & Kyle- Who ain't never scared to be who they really are. Love you for that, my niggas!!