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Everything artistic consumes me. Enjoy writing music and playing instruments... Music of all kinds is passion. Singing to my hearts content with The g105 & Ear Cry. I go heavy on the garlic. Salt is a must. Lemons are on stand-by. Cadillacs. Collaborating w/artists & other musicians. I love to blog whether it be hyper-text, pencil or pen! My chile patch will pop your head. Really into the recording arts. Ear Cry Movement. I love the spanish language and the women who speak it!
Sleep is nice.
and so are women. I like Bass.
I prefer Coke over Pepsi.
And Hot Chick's & Cold Beer.
I need a sharp pilot with 20/20 vision, a lawyer with quick-persuasive-reasoning-skills, a legitimit doctor deep in the medical field, a playmate that can cook & someone high in local law enforcement!
Apocalypto,Ratas de la Ciudad,The Count of Monte Cristo,ScarFace,GodFather's 1&2,PulpFiction,TrueRomance,BeastMaster,Goonies,Legend,T heCrow,PurpleRain,QueenoftheDamned,InterviewW/aVampire,Fists of Fury,KickBoxer,AmazonWomenFromtheMoon,DetroitRockCity,YTuMam aTambien,Tombstone,MenaceIISociety,Etc...
Warning. Watch intelligently!
"INFLUENCE; The Psychology of Persuasion," by Robert Cialdini; These are freakin scriptures. Get enlightened!
All the Rebels: JesusChrist,BobMarley and my artistic, entrepenuer grandparents who taught me hard-work-ethics, dignity and honor!