Duvessa profile picture


About Me

Kyri and Caileena met one day purely by chance at the Minnesota Renaissance faire in Shakopee some time in 2005. They were both contact juggling and they quickly began to talk and laugh. Soon their conversation changed to music and their aspirations and experiences. Kyri was a coffee house musician extraordinaire and Caileena had previous renfest music experience. They parted with each other numbers and dreams after the faire ended. Soon after they got together to watch episodes of ZIM and watch various bad "B" movies. That year at Christmas Caileena's parents bought her a mandolin and what vaguely resembled a band was formed. The duo worked hard and the both recieved an email on day about auditions for the new WI Renaissance Faire in Chippewa Falls. They went for it and the contracts were signed. Their debut was at that faire in 2006 and it went so well that they had to, by popular deman, create a demo cd (which sold out quickly). After the run of the faire they went to the MN Faire and were recieved well.

Their full length album entitled "Two Sisters" is now for sale.
Duvessa plays at the Wisconsin Renaissance Faire (www.renfun.com) and the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. They are hoping to be able to perform at more Faires next year. Any suggestions?
You can easily contact Duvessa through MySpace or, their official Band email: [email protected]
Myspace Layouts - Flowers Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests


Member Since: 15/04/2006
Band Website: You're at it!
Band Members: Vocals & Guitar- Kyri Lea.
Vocals, Mandolin & bordhran- Caileena Lind

Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Woodwinds, and everything else!- Krystal Peters

Influences: ZIM, Gaelic Storm, Wookie-Foot, Blackmore's Night, Blind Gaurdian, Minstrels of Mayhem, Waffles, Bob Dylan, Aqua, Prodigy, The Bothy Band, Gorillaz, The Legend of Zelda music, Govinda, Buddha, Prodigy, Kodo, Quarterdeck Howlers, Phantom of the Opera, Nightwish, Ninjas, & tomatoes.
Sounds Like: Happy... and waffles... squeaky waffles.

Record Label: Isen Ikari's Basement

My Blog


Yep, we're finally on Renspace! http://duvessa.renspace.com/
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 06:17:00 GMT

Duvessa & Pictures

http://www.ladyann.phanfare.com/2007 Click on the slideshow for saturday and we're playing. That is hip! Enjoy the great photos! -Duvessa  
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:13:00 GMT

URGENT! Duvessa's Radio Spot!

Received this message from our friend at the WI Renfaire: "Remember to listen to I-94 on the computer (i94online.com) Monday at about 2:30ish (it should be on before 2:45pm) to hear your radio debut! ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:56:00 GMT


Ahh... the Chippewa Falls Faire is going excellent! We're having a great time, and we've been getting some great positive feedback from patrons and fellow entertainers. We've also made some awesome fr...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 12:28:00 GMT

Minnesota Renaissance Festival

Hello Everyone!We're in at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival! Come check us out and say hi! It starts in August, and we'll have the dates posted when they are realeased this year. Til then, check us ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 10:43:00 GMT