...jEn_jEn... profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

| View Show | Create Your Owni am jeN aiza cLarisSe n.jimEna.. my famiLy and friends used to call me nYce!.. i really dunno why but i got used to it.. im a bit stubborn and sarcastic sometimes.. im spoiled but not a brat.. im a bitch once you mess up with meH.. i can also be the friendliest person if i want me to be.. i talk the way i want..not the way they expect.. i dress the way i feel, not the way i should... what i wAnt is what i get!.. i choOse because i desire.. not becausE thEy wAnt.. i preffer love than lust..(cause you know..lust has never proven love..) and if i love suM1.. i riLy fiGht fOr tHat pErsOn.. i dOn't tALk tHat muCh.. i dOn't liKe bLaBbermouThs.. i dOn't liKe hEaring ruMors abOut mE.. i dOn't givE a dAmn to tHose peoPLe whO wAnts to rUin mAh liFe.. to hELL wiT u.. 4suRe id jUz lAugh aT u.. cALL mE whAtTever yoU wAnt aNd id sAy foR aLL i cAre.. a mAteriAL giRL?.. dEfiniteLy!!! -a prophet or a savior? i think not, but I’m nice though - not yet perfect, sumday maybe? -i spend like 'forever' getting ready going out..it's like breathing, how can i not?.. im a princess, im a goddess, im a queen. who says i lack lustre? deal wiT it hunNie.-forget those envious haters; im mourning the fact that they exist; they’re suffering from phlegmatic brain malfunction and it's under deep construction.-there’s no cure for insecurity disorders, darling.-im such a "villain" yet often angelic! bliv it or not...i can be that "friend" you can somehow like.-truth alters like drugs! guess what? true!!!-I believe there’s no element of us being friends without some form of reality.-I luv babies.-u hate me? meaningless; funny. thts an old-fashioned boring topic.life's too short to waste time to please every meddlesome moron. experiencing debilitating brain aneurysm symptoms? --first they ignore u, then they laugh at u, then fightt u, then u win. .i luv gossip.i luv friends.i luv murray. i luv 2think. 2b blooming?HAH?2b alone.i luv detox.i luv nightym.i luv mga pretty.i luv me! i should. -dirty nails? bigTurn off. i hate dancing, acting, crying, waiting & DRAMA QUEENS.. -need entertainment? try reading my testimonials...drama, comedy, action, romance..?hah..just go read.. -beauty advice: make believe that you're pretty..just do so.. i truly agree that chad murray has the best masculine charm and appeal.he's deadly. -i lyk..well..& luv my clan..the most goodlooking family, ever. population is increasing and...cant stop that.haha -if i were to be the president, i'll make hiphop illegal..annoying, should i say? -comments are very much welcome in this page...yow. -i recommend often practice of random beauty and selfless acts of love. Compliments invite the person who is complimented to embrace a new perception of him or herself. And just as layers and layers of nacre form a pearl over an irritating grain of sand, so compliments collect around us, developing us in all our beauty.-I don’t fall for those mushy sweet nothings; they may be pleasant yet I go for “hassle-free”.-“Love is way overrated, biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolates".well..i have no insecurities in life..im an extraordinary girl with eXtraOtdiNary neEds.. i hate those people who can talk the talk but can't walk the walk...its my way of keeping it real..i am nobody's property..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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*iF oNLy *mY saSsy giRL *kiLL biLL *a lOt likE lovE *king kong *poseiDon *tHe noTebOok *tHe pHonE *tHere's soMetHing aBout mAry *tHe mUmmY *hOney *jAson X *fREddy tHe 13tH *fReddy vs. jAson *mR aNd mRs sMitH *gArfiELd *diNosaUr *tHe isLand oF docTor muRrow *13 gOing oN 30 *between friends andv friendship


*cHange oF hEart *bLind datE *eLimidatE *5tH wHeel *MY GIRL

My Blog

what can i say?

don't give yourself a reason to hate me..you bitches create your own dramas based on insecurity..!!im NOT a tease..im just a reminder of what you CAN"T have..   i find it ironic that you can love...
Posted by ...jEn_jEn... on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:40:00 PST

you were there..

~~* yOu wErE tHeRe ~~* I guess you've heard, I guess you know In time I might have told you but I guess I'm too slow That's overly romantic but I know that it's real I hope you don't mind if I say w...
Posted by ...jEn_jEn... on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 11:12:00 PST

if you want to know me....just read this..

Get to Know Me...About You...NicknamenyceSexgurLush..Eye ColorbefOre it was black..nOw....?Hair ColorbLack..Height5'5Favorite ColorpiNk..puRPle..Screen NamescrEEn namE fOr?Your Careclipse..lovE maH ri...
Posted by ...jEn_jEn... on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

sAd stOry...if you'LL reAd tHis, you'LL reALLize hoW painfuL iT is bEing iN this girL's pLace..

sAd sTory: i saw a sloW,pAssiOnate and roMantic kiss.. hER are aRms weRe around his nEck.. hiS arMs weRe oN heR wAist.. hEr eyEs weRe cLosed aNd so wAs his.. iT was likE wAtcHing a kiSsing scene from ...
Posted by ...jEn_jEn... on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:18:00 PST