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Get Your Own Voice Player ManageJerry Stamps a.k.a. MEE ZEE a sharp, humble,and eager Emcee displaying constant lyrical genius.
Often described as someone who sits back and feels the energy of a room/cypher pinpointing the precise time to execute. "I love it when Stamps comes to the cyper because he sits back and studies muthfucca's , and then when he spits , he spits."Conciet - Strange Face, Gurp City... Mediajestic
His first recorded work was featured on the Innovative Ryme Design compilation in 2003. The appearance was a favorite on a CD that featured artists from across the country.
A follow up Broken Fam All Star release followed in 2004. Dedication to his craft landed him a guest spot on a Miles Benltey (REC CENTER) release in 2005. In 2006 Las Vegas was the city where he then worked for Dirt Bomb(T.S.P.) and was shown a diffrent side of the industry and blessed with time to Pollitic with some real CERTIFIED GORILLAHS.Some of the venues that he has performed at include: Universal Studios, (L.A.), Aarow, (S.F.), Studio Z, (S.F.), Werepad, (S.F.) , El Rincon (S.F.), UGMX,(San Jose).He is currently in the studio with BROKEN FAM/ BULLETS of Earth/PURITY ENT. , Producing,ghostwriting, and working on his first full length solo release.
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