WOW - so many interests -- let's see; I like most every thing including all water & snow sports. Every winter I try to get 2 weeks of snow boarding in the rockies - getting quite good at it. My spring and fall favorites are golf and tennis. In the summer wind surfing and travel are alway fun.
New and interesting people from Florida, and everywhere else. I enjoy learning some new every day. My favorite line is; "Tell me something I don't know". You will always get my attention.
Just about everything EXCEPT rap and heavy metal. I've tried it, and I just don't get it. Yes, some of new HipHop is pretty cool. My kids bring in their Ipods and share their favorite tunes. They say I'm the coolest teacher they have. :}
Love all movies exept for the real bloody ones. I just don't get why some people like watching people get shot and cut up with their guts spilling out -- YECH! Sorry, that's not for me. Call me weird but I'm starting to appreciate Netflix with their library of grande old B&W classics motion pictures. I'm impressed how studios made such fantastic movies w/o tons of special effects.
Well - TV and their 165 channels is less and less ineresting. Too many commercials PERIOD. Why I still keep cable, I will never know. My favorite shows, when I catch them are; WestWing, Bill Mahre, Housewives and that one with Keiffer Sutherland (eye candy). DVD movies are more fun to watch.
Too many to mention. I do lots of reading. Thank god for that speed reading course I took back in high school. I do recommed audio books, they are great while in the car or on the plane. Recently listened to the Da Vinci Code, 5th Horseman, Rich Dad Poor Dad and The World is Flat.
Beside my parent and my brother - that pecking order changes yearly based upon new accomplishments and what's hot.