I have changed alot recently due to certain events taking place, i have still kept up with writing new music and trying to get time for the studio to record some more tracks. Even though the whole rapper image has gone (completely) the music i still there......its more real now!...more deep and with more meaning. Especially the new stuff...evrything i write is real and from the heart...but at the same time the track everyone hates me..was wayyyy...to angry!. With so much drama going on all the time...its never good for somones mentality...but its always good for inspiration
I put up two more tracks and i know some people wont like them and if ya dont leave a message and tell me why if ya do, do the same!. Ight peace.
On another note, i'll be sending some of my tracks to a certain radio station soon! so put your ears to the speakers and listen out.
Thanks for reading!...if anyone has any thoughts or anything else about my tracks...then seriously just drop me a message and i'll get back to ya...E.Z
Hotornot im a 9.9 come on give a boy some props!...veiwers of shipwrecked all trying to put me down but hey cant be all that bad with a 9.9 now can i? lmao! ha ha ha ha ...
Below is a video of me doing a no handed sommersault planche to the outside taking down jimmy havoc and blockbuster, i aint wrestling for a while as well my back is hurt. Thank you to everyone though who helped me with the wrestling...and thank you to those who came to my matches!...expecially the one in canton where i won the Celtic Wrestling interactive title!.
Below is me hitting a huricanranna on Tyler Brown after getting Monkey Flipped by Chris Recall.
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