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Bloody Harry

I am here for Friends

About Me

Bloody Harry has been to a Halloween POA movie party, HBP Book release, GOF Midnight Movie, and Lumos!2006 Opening Feast, soon to be at Prophecy2007's Opening Feast! That is after Voldemort was defeated. You'll all see come this July. ;-) . . . um okay so I have been other places, but Bloody Harry has only been to these.
Graduated high school student who gets to spend all day writing! Which I do! Some have said that I retired at age 17. I just laugh! . . . Oh wait . . . I'm in school now! Aw shucks! It hasn't been so bad tho.
I grew up in a small California town. we moved to a big city a few years ago. I got sick of the big city, so I moved back to a small California town. Where I'm currently going to school and awaiting what the rest of my life will be like! Am now contemplating moving back to a big city. Would get to work at Disneyland . . . so that'd be awesome!
I'm half Brasilian. Just don't ask me to go down there in the summertime to a non Americanized area. Becasue I won't go.
If I'm not gonna recognize you when you send me a friend request I might just delete with all the spam. fyi.

My Interests

The last Harry potter book is HERE! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!
I like to keep myself up to date with the latest Disneyland (maybe I'll be a CM one of these days...) and Harry Potter news. Read a lot. Think of stories and theme parks. I'll look at maps for hours, and know how to get there. Penguins are the most radtastic animals on this planet!!! :-D

I'd like to meet:

I guess people who are cool and nice! But unless I know you already, I'm not paticularly talkative. So I doubt there'll be much of this on here. If I did come across some like, I dunno, Jo Rowling. I would probably be too speechless to do or say anything. I would want to give her a hug. She deserves more than one for giving us Harry Potter.


So it's now Christmas time, so that means that takes top priority! :-P But wizard rock is well a somewhat new thing for me, so ...
Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls,
The Weasel King,
The Remus Lupins,
Hermione Crookshanks Experience,
The Parselmounths,
Ministry of Magic,
Remus and the Lupins,
Riddle tm,
The Whomping Willows,
and The Nifflers,
are ones i have enjoyed the most. I do love the whole idea and spirit behind wrock just as much.

In muggle bands, Terra Sambe, UDORA and Metro Station have gotten lots of plays recently.


Good movies I've seen recently:
Surf's Up,
Pirates of the Caribbean,
Order of the Phoenix,
My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
American Pie,
School of Rock,
High School Musical,
Star Wars,
Lord of the Rings,
Happy Feet,
March of the Penguins,
Arctic Tale,
the first two Matrix and Spiderman movies (haven't seen the 3rd ones...)


Lately it's been Scrubs and Daily Show/Colbert Report. But more recently it's been . . . TV uh what's that? lol.

Oh yeah, when in Canada for Prophecy, we saw a show on TV called "Little Mosque On the Prairie" that show was hilarious!!!


Harry Potter!!!
So much so that I've gone to three Harry Potter Symposiums!!! The Witching Hour and Lumos 2006!!! Both were v. v. v. FUN!!! So was ...

And let's see, I'll read other kinds of fantasy books too. But that's my favorite. These books by Christopher Paolini, Eragon and Eldest, are sweet, he was 15 when he started writing, I thought that was really cool. That's when I started writing! So, if there are any other 15 year old writers out there . . . that's really cool!

I also read things like the newspaper, ngm, rollinstone, time, etc.

The good books i've read recently include:
The Chronicles of Narnia,
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress,
The Autobiography of Santa Clause,
His Dark Materials,
The Black Canary,
How to Be Good!
Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony (was his best by far!)
The King In the Window,
The Kingdom Keepers.
The Secret


Guess I'll say J.K. Rowling. She's my favorite. Very cool, would like to be somewhat like her. Walt Disney did what he wanted to do with his company, with little concern for how much money it might cost.

My parents would also have to go on a list of my heroes. Most definitely my Vovo's! Love them all.

My Blog

Christmas Music

So I'll admit I'm one to like Christmas Music from, say a little before Thanksgiving, in some cases, to a little after New Year's, also in some cases.Why some of you in the world don't like it much at...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 06:16:00 PST

potter legalities

Whenever lawyers get involved with something, EVERYONE loses. So no matter if Jo or Steve is more in the right, they be out of this the same. All because lawyers are %@%&(&^ and want some money.This c...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 08:53:00 PST

so wrockstock

well it would have been amazing and i mean amazing to be there. there is always next time i say. so either that or Wrock the Boat. or . . . darei say it. . . . both!!!! hahaha
Posted by Bloody Harry on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 10:48:00 PST

DCA Changes...

It's offcial people Disney is gonna sepnd about a billion dollars on the park next door to Disneyland!!!! (Disney's California Adventure, if you don't know anything.) Can't tell you how exciting this ...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 05:12:00 PST

Hogwarts Chic LINK!!!! 09,1,2637937.storythere you o. a link to the high fashion harry potter has inspired! (It's on the LA Times website, so I think 14 days after...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:44:00 PST

Hogwarts Chic

Yeah, we're chic now. according to the LATimes. There's a full page of private school fashions which are becoming popular. They credit the Potter kids for making the look sexy! wire rimmed glasses, ch...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 07:38:00 PST

wrock band names....

where are the bands with the names:The Seven Potters&Dudley and the Gangbangers???where are they? if not anywhere, who's gonna get them somewhere?
Posted by Bloody Harry on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 01:51:00 PST

When It’ll End . . .

. . . And I'm Scared!I think it'll end around the time Infinitus happens. By "End" I mean start slowing down. Really winding down. Because in some ways it has, but there are still new Potter fans in t...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 04:50:00 PST

new pics from potter summer

so there are some new one.s from wizard rock shows in la to well prophecy. i'd have more up but i got tired of uploading them.and my potter summer is now really like finally over. cuz there's not real...
Posted by Bloody Harry on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:40:00 PST

My new song

it's time to have a little fun. so go get dancing to Luna by The Weasel King!
Posted by Bloody Harry on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 04:05:00 PST