Sakura Productions
Mission Statement
Sakura Productions ultimate goal is to simply allow musicians to advance themselves by putting on shows, recording, and promoting them. We want to see your dreams happen and we'll do our best to see it happen. Its been over a year since Sakura started and it has evoled and changed drastically to further suit you, the musicians and the public who listens. Sakura is a business meant to thrive on the very element that is highly missing from a large portion of the east coast, lack of venues. We want to be able to change that and make shows a common thing not only here in the northern Virginia area but in other area(s) across the east coast and maybe someday the nation. Our dreams are big, but so are all the bands that depend on organizations like us to see theirs follow through. Sakura is still in a down phase as of now but We'll be doing some exciting things over the summer, check our blog weekly for updates on what we're up too.
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Contact Rush
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