Buried at PhotoCasket.comA little about me:Sometimes having a life theme is necessary, even if a bit cliche. Mine is the belief that we should all work hard during the day so that we can justify playing hard at night. And I do both.I don't own my house. My kitty, Cleopatra Queen of Denial, does. I'm just allowed to stay there. And take care of her every feline whim. I'll get control of my house back one of these days, by god! When she least expects it...I absolutely love the smell of fresh-ground coffee. Nothing better than that first hot cup of java when I wake up in the morning. And not just because it smells & tastes good, but because I neeeeed it. You don't want to f*&k with me before I've had coffee in the a.m. I'd have to kill you and bury your body in the back yard. Not that I would know how to do either. Buried at PhotoCasket.comI never met a beer I didn't like. Or one that didn't like me. Really. We're pals. Sometimes beer follows me around like its a puppy or something. I'm beginning to think its addicted to me and not the other way around. Gonna have to get that beer some counseling. Especially when it finds out that sometimes I cheat on it with vodka...
But tequila, ah, tequila is the devil. Buried at PhotoCasket.comI have perfected the art of driving with my knee. How the hell else am I gonna fly both business fingers out the window at your dumb ass when you pull out in front of me or turn abruptly with no signal?!?!?I bleed the purple and gold. With passion. There's absolutely nothing in the world like the experience you get in Death Valley on a Saturday night. The deafening crowd, the smell of bourbon, the hard-hitting action. Come down here for a game, you'll get it.My all-time favorite quotes:"As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." -"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -"Because, unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak wih an English accent." -"You've always been crazy, this is just the first chance you've had to express yourself." -"Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they still make you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs." -"Degradation knows no schedule." -"The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care." -
"Its useless to hold a person to anything he says when he's in love, drunk or running for office." -"Freeze mother-stickers, this is a f&%k-up!" -"If I wanted to kill his ass, he'd be dead." -"If we had to do a patient allergy check, they'd be allergic to GEDs." -"This place smells like its full of bench warrants." Buried at PhotoCasket.com
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
My Maker, but no time soon. The Dalai Lama, Hippocrates, van Gogh, Monet.Robert De Niro, Sean Connery, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Statham, Harvey Keitel, Johnny Depp, Stephen King, Matthew McConaughey, Hank Azaria, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Zach Braff.
My Blog
And I consider my pain threshold to be very high
Dear Merck, producer of the Gardasil vaccine:
Love, Celeste. Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 14:57:00 GMT
Those Who Cannot Do, Meet.
Someone please explain to me why I have to keep leaving my building and running across campus at the every whim of a meeting-crazed department head that has no clue how to do a full day's work.&n... Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:57:00 GMT
Good job, Drunky!
I'm not sure how or why this even came to exist, but my friend and I have apparently gone berserk. Come unhinged, even. Not so much out of boredom or for lack of something in our lives, but rather jus... Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:07:00 GMT