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Is using Myspace still cool?

About Me

My name is Gavin.
Jew nose
When I'm older, I will be old.
My aspiration in life is to be the world's best Zookeeper Zoologist.
I like to hit old folk with bagels.
Thanks for listening, I've been great. *bows*

My life consists of:-gigs, tumbling, banter, MySpace, Bebo, Tesco, sexual innuendo's, Kopparberg, and shouting "WE LOVE *insert appropriate word here*"

Things I never want to do: Shart

Smells i like: petrol stations,the meat chiller at work.
Smells i dont like: burning clutch, soft cheese.

I like turkey piecies.

[email protected]

My Interests

Steve Guttenburg
When people miss the bus by seconds.

"The Page Cannot be Displayed"
Innoportune semi-erections
Urinals flushing while I'm using them.

I'd like to meet:

Mr Foot-Long Hot Dog Inventor

Ninewells = Playground...apparently


Arcade Fire


I do enjoy watching the odd Star Wars movie.


The Mighty Boosh.
American programmes.


Aeroplane security procedures.
Argos catalogue.


Feta Cheese. Envelopes. Spaghetti Hoops. John Bruce. Velcro.

Take a minute to give me a wee comment. There may be a Snickers as reward...

My Blog

Quotes of semester 2

I've decided to start this early and to add to it as I go, because when it came to doing it last semester I couldnt remember alot of them. Also, I know for a fact that ive forgotten som...
Posted by Gavage on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:01:00 PST

Things to do before you die

I was incredibly bored, so composed a list of things i think you should do before you die... ( ) Write a poem about hate. ( ) Write a poem about love. ( ) Visit an asian country ( ) Run down the stree...
Posted by Gavage on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:47:00 PST

Arcade Fire Gig

was like sex in gig form. xx
Posted by Gavage on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST


events of yesterday:uni, leave my practical and head to the hairdressers to grab the car-keys from mother to innes' flat to pick him up, tesco riverside for munchies, then its off to glasg...
Posted by Gavage on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:11:00 PST

2006: A Year Of Non-Stop Hilarity

First Gig:First gig was Foxface, they were really good but were supported by some real shit, including the worst band i have ever saw, "Tattytoes." Last Gig: The Complete Stone Roses. Paid £13.50 for ...
Posted by Gavage on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 03:53:00 PST

something you could have done with knowing yesterday

'George Bush'anagrams to'O, he buggers!' ok, maybe you didn't need to know that yesterday, but you might have, and now if any crazy people approach you and ask for an anagram of George Bush, you ...
Posted by Gavage on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:54:00 PST

after pub golf yesterday...

...i somehow managed to make it home, despite losing mybankcard, tesco clock-in card, tesco cardinal card,possibly cammy's driving licence (im not sure if i gave him it back or not), was stopped by th...
Posted by Gavage on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:37:00 PST

on the way to the bakery last night...

we went to do a hedge dive. i flew straight across the hedge and landed on the pavement. my stomach is sore as hell!!
Posted by Gavage on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 07:52:00 PST

before i went out last night...

i was sitting cross legged last night and went to move. *RRRRRIIIIIIIPPPPP*. i burst through my super super super tight jeans, then somebody ripped them down to the knee. last time i saw them, al...
Posted by Gavage on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 07:49:00 PST

last night...

when i left the union, there was some irish guy who had stole a no pedestrian sign. me, trying to be funny, went and walked next to him and was shouting "haha im breaking the law by walking here"...
Posted by Gavage on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 01:43:00 PST