What it means to be a fox profile picture

What it means to be a fox

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am all about having fun, doing stupid and random things, and seeing how far I can go before I get caught. I love rock, heavy metal, and punk music BUT I'm not the biggest fan rap.... I'm really down to Earth and I never have a problem making new friends, and I have amazing patients. Nothing ever really seems to get me down for long. I'm always up for trying new things, and I love to hangout with old friends. I'm a total fool for romance, especially if it's corney. My friends matter most to me, and it's hard for me to see past another person's happiness and focus on my own. Loyalty is what matters.

My Interests

Music, sports, writting, reading, and just haging out with my friends.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who seems to spark my interest I guess. I don't ussually like girls all that much because not many can be trusted, but I think that I've chosen pretty well for the ones I have. As far as guys are concerned, I like them to be older than me, because they are more capable of having an intelligent conversations. I like anyone that I meet to have good sence of humor, and they have to be patient too if they want to hang with me for long. I don't have any racial preferance, and I hate people who do. I love people with an open mind and those of you that don't really need to learn how to lighten up. All in all I'm looking to meet just anyone I guess, you never know who you'll run into tomorrow. ^_^


These are my 199 friends.


Rock, heavy metal, punk...almost everything but rap and country. I love discovering new artists, and I'm always willing to hear something new.


Horror, comedies, fantasy, and romances. The best of them all!


Family Guy, Fuse, and any kind of anime. Oh! and I love The O.C! YAY!!


Pretty much only fantasy and that kind of stuff. I have a really over active imagination that tends to get me into trouble.


Its like my bro Allen said, the only true hero is Batman!
To tell you the truth, I use to hate Batman, but I think that I'm begining to see the light ^_^

My Blog

What a means to be a fox.

Life has been so crazy. I've gained so many new friends, and lost so many others. I've picked a star in the sky to reach for; and yet now, more that ever, I feel even farther from it. I've fallen in a...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:33:00 PST


    we finally have internet at my appartment and so now we can get online whenever we want without having to worry about interupted service! this is great!!! ...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:51:00 PST


IN LOVE THAT IS!!! HAHAHA!! Yeah, i have. what can i say. the girl who said that being in love was completely contrary to what the body NEEDS (because it eventually causes pain) has actually fallen fo...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sat, 12 May 2007 07:44:00 PST

Moving Forward

so!! guess what. i've made a decision!! i've decided to purchase a home! not now, duh, but in a few years. that's about how long it will take me to save up enough money to by my home. i've decided tha...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Thu, 03 May 2007 11:38:00 PST


OMG!!! i went to see the movie 300 and i have to say that it is one of the best movies i have ever seen in my entire life!!!! i mean, it has everything that i could every want in a movie; it was viole...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:00:00 PST


Alright!!! I cant wait!  I LIVE for the Forth of July!!! This is a big one for me because I finally have a car and I can just drive myself and not have to go with my step-mom!! Yay!!!! I plan on...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 10:57:00 PST

You know what....

I post A LOT of blogs LOL!!! ...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 08:16:00 PST

I think these are cute! Boyfriend Application!

General Info:Name:Age / Birthday:Location:Do you drive?How far do you live from me?Will I have to take you everywhere?Will I have to pay for you / buy you things constantly?Are you still in highschool...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 08:14:00 PST

OMG! How F-ing romantic!!!

OK! so i just saw The Lake house, and it was sooo sad!!! I have to buy that movie when it comes out, and all you chicks have to see it. I mean, the whole this was really sweet and all that good s...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:19:00 PST


LOL! j/k, i passed!  i'm so freaking happy!! first thing on the list is to go to a party tonight and my friend's house! YAY! then, tomorrow, I'm going to Polo's graduation party and my graduation...
Posted by What it means to be a fox on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:31:00 PST