ManU -probably greatest team ever to walk on a football pitch.
Naked actors on and off the stage...
Dry salted fish...
Red wine...
Good crazy literature...
I'd like to meet:
Beckett, Artaud, Mishima, Sartre, De Sad, Little Red Riding Hood, Lolita, Van Gough, Ghelderode, Nabokov, Bulgakov, Hitler, Stalin, Nero, fact I already met them! In my dreams and on the stage... So leave me alone! I don't want meet anyone! I hate you people!
Anything that scares children and makes them run away. Sometimes sound of actors crying when I destroy them and their shit performances is like music to my ears.
Seriously though, I have no sense of music...that's why I use it continuously in my shows...
Any film that has been banned in every country.
I eat shitty television!!!(Unless I am on it)
I hate books because I used to read a lot...Now I prefere re-write the most famous masterpieces...
Cantona, Roony, Tarkovsky, Fellini, Bach, Garbarek, Bosch and all porn actors!