All My Best Friends!!
Whiteshoes and the Couples Company, The Adams, The Upstairs, The S.I.G.I.T, Goodnight Electric, C'Mon Lenon, The Brandals, S.O.A.D, My Chemical Romance, Sore, Club80's, NIDJI,Teenage Death Star, Boys R Toys, Inspirational Joni, NETRAL, The Safari, The Wonders, The Beatles, The Carpenters, Finch, Bee Gees, Led Zeplin, Queen, The Cure, The Bravery, Benyamin Sueb, The Sueb, Tompi, The Safari, KBB, dan Lain lain Yang Pasti bukan F**K P******N tentunya....
CAS(Catatan Akhir Sekolah), Realita Cinta dan Rock N Roll (Jimmy Keren beth!), Janji Joni, GIE, That Thing You Do, Grease, Arisan, Virgin, You Stupid Man, WARKOP, Catatan Si BOY, Chiken Little, Narnia, James Bond(Semuanya), Bring It On, Ice Age, Jelangkung, Tusuk Jelangkung, AADC, Harry Potter, The Davinci Code,dan Lain Lain yang Ceritanya Bagus.
Jimmy Neutron, Cat Dog, Etis Gak Eighties(Terserah), Extravagansa, Rekomendasi(Bikin Laperr..), DeMo, MTV... Saya Tidak suka Sinetron2 yang Gak Jelaz.. Sucks Lah! "Kyana Orang Indonesia Sebaiknya bikin film aja daripada Sinetron! Abis nyontek Mulu Sih!!!(Film juga yang Berbobot dunkz!)"
Kambing Jantan, Ripple, HAI, Dasar Dasar Produksi Program Televisi.
ALL MY Best Friend (Ncrut, Biang Kerok, Modern & Couples Company, Pedansa Resah N her Nculz, DLL)