Art and travels
>>> People with similar tastes, loving music, urban art, travels...
>>> Musicians who would be interested in promotional photo sessions : parties/concerts pics or portraits, and graphic works like cd covers, flyers, posters, logos...
>>> Other photographers and graphic designers, fashion designers, publishers...
>>> CD COVER artwork I've made for Gabor Varadi
>>> CD COVER artwork I've made for Hypnoise
>>> Some of my pics are used for FLYERS for the genevan club "Le Zoo" of l'Usine by lego_man
You can see some more in my blog on the top of the page
[Nika D / Virus Syndicate]
[Golfinga / Virus Syndicate]
[Nika D, Goldfinga, MRK1 / Virus Syndicate]
[Goldfinga / Virus Syndicate]
[Cursor Miner]
Books of graphic design
[Those from Die Gestalten Verlag especially]
and litterature
[Khaled Hosseini "Les certs-volants de Kaboul"
Chahdortt Djavann "Je viens d'ailleurs"
Yasmina Khadra "L'attentat" / "Les agneaux du seigneur" / "Les hirondelles de Kaboul"
Yves Paccalet "L'humanité disparaîtra, bon débarras!"
Martin Page "Comment je suis devenu stupide"
Didier van Cauwelaert "Un aller simple"
Baudelaire "Les fleurs du mal" / "Les paradis artificiels"
Amélie Nothomb "Attentat" / "Les combustibles" / "Métaphysique des tubes"
Frédéric Beigbeder "L'amour dure 3 ans" / "99 francs" / "Je crois, moi non plus"
Arto Paasilinna "Petit suicide entre amis" / "Le lièvre de Vatanen"
Arthur Golden "Geisha"]
création est mis/e à disposition sous un
contrat Creative Commons
CD cover artwork I've made for Hypnoise
Some of my pics are used for flyers for the genevan club "Le Zoo" of l'Usine by lego_man
I also take pics in parties/concerts. Here are a few of them. You can see them all in my blogs on the top of the page.
[Golfinga / Virus Syndicate]
[Nika D, Goldfinga, MRK1 / Virus Syndicate]
[Nika D / Virus Syndicate]
[Cursor Miner]