Wanna help get KMUZ rolling? We need to start building, but we need the funds (this link will work after Aug. 26).
But just as importantly, we need PEOPLE POWER. Go to our official website, kmuz(dot)org, and click on the "volunteer" link. Sign up for various volunteer positions, propose your own ideas, and/or donate money to the station. Our first volunteer rally meeting was a SMASHING SUCCESS, and we will soon begin smaller group meetings based on volunteers' interests.
KMUZ is the soon-to-be non-commercial community FM radio station that will exist at 88.5 FM in the Salem/Albany area, along with internet streaming. KMUZ, aka "Radio Free Salem" will be a full-power station.
We recently received our construction permit from the FCC which means we will have a broadcast license. With the construction permit in hand, we can now begin building the station! We're honing in on a studio location now, and are starting to write grants.
On-the-air won't be until sometime in 2010, but there's a lot to be done before then. Being a DJ will be fun, but building a radio station will be a blast!
What will we broadcast? Well, we are all about DIVERSITY and COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP. We want to give a voice to those who are not given a voice in mainstream media--namely, local folks with engaging ideas and/or news. And then there's the MUSIC...the kind that you won't hear on commercial radio. Pull out your record collections--anything goes. The station will evolve as people from our fair city step up to offer their music and thoughts to the rest of us.
The sponsoring non-profit organization for this radio station hopeful is the Salem Folklore Community. Thanks for your help, SFC! http://www.salemfolklore.org
If you have any questions, send a message either on here or directly to [email protected]. Donations (tax-deductible) to our cause are welcome, and necessary for our existence. You can donate online! Click below:
Alternatively, we love to get mail, so make checks payable to SFC Radio Project and send them to: SFC Radio Project, P.O. Box 1027, Salem, OR 97308] SFC is a 501(c)(3) organization, allowing all contributions to be tax deductible.
Check out our official website at KMUZ(dot)org!