"We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up from behind. But karma will always find us. The truth is... we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor. Yet no matter how hard we try we can't escape our karma. It follows us home. I guess we can't really complain about our karma. It's not an affair. It's not unexpected. It just... evens the score. And even when we're about to do something that we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass... well, it goes without saying. We do it anyway."-George Omally.
"Pain. You just have to ride it out. You can only hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers, you just breath deep and wait for it to subside." -Meredith Grey
"There's something to be said about a glass half full, about knowing when to say when. I think it's more of a floating line, a barometer of need. Of desire. It's entirely up to the individual, and it depends what's being poured. Sometimes all we want is a taste. Other times there's no such thing as enough, the glass is bottomless... all we want is more." -Meredith Grey
"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."- Meredith Grey.
"The thing about addiction is... It never ends well. Because eventually what ever it is that was getting us high, stops feeling good, and starts to hurt." -Meredith Grey.
"The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly deceived."-Unknown