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About Me

I am a wife, a mother, and a friend. I would not be any of these thing if not for the selflessness of one man, my donor. On April 30, 2005 I was blessed with the gift of life when I recieved a heart transplant at Stanford Medical Center. I don't know very much about my donor. He was 33 years old when he passed his heart onto me and was living in Lancaster, Ca. Because of this man, my husband still has his wife, my kids have a mother to raise and love them, and my friends have someone to laugh with. I am the classic soccer mom. I spend my days volenteering at my daughters school, hauling kids to soccer and tball practices, having fun with the girls in our brownie troop, and taking care of my family every day in every way. I know my donor is proud of the way I am using his gift and I love this crazy life!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who knows me know how much I LOVE Prince. To meet him would be a dream come true!!

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