Well..there's nothing much bout me..im an ordinary gurl . i'm chocoholic . lurve to hang out with my fwens, chiLL with ma giRLs... lurve to watch movies with my ehem2.. . lurve to talk . loud . quiet sometimes . Joking everytime . im a happy go lucky person . hyper a lil bit . stubborn . mama's lil gal . lurve to eat . lurve to sleep . easy going person . sensitives . Easily hurt but takes A WHILE to recover . Secretive . Difficult to fathom and to be understood . Takes pride in oneself . Has reputation . Easily consoled . Honest . Concerned about people's feelings . Tactful . Friendly . Approachable . SOMETIMES only..its usually depends on the situation. Temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt . Not revengeful . Forgiving but never forgets . Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things . Caring and loving . Treats others equally . Strong sense of sympathy . No difficulties in studying . LURVE to be ALONE . Waits for friends . Never looks for friends . Not aggressive unless provoked . LURVE to be LOVED . FUN to be with .
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