Some quotesfrom a few of my favorite games:
Salvation by faith is something everyone should
have an equal oppurtunity of obtaining. -- Billy Lee Black, Xenogears
What may be an eternity to man is a moment for god.
I have no need for hesitation. -- Krelian, Xenogears
Sad... Scared... Crying.
He will wake up soon...
Xenogears is calling him. -- Midori, Xenogears
There are some things you just can't explain with the word... fate. You're
just going to have to see it with your own eyes. -- Taura, Xenogears
The one who attains the dawn, the dusk, and the
darkness shall climb the path to heaven...Wiseman -- Shevat Engraving, Xenogears
You appear to be looking forward, but in reality you're only looking
downward. You're only looking at yourself. Like that, you will find nothing. -- Wiseman, Xenogears
Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands! -- Lacan, Xenogears
"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -- Magus, Chrono Trigger
"The weak always strive to be weaker..." -- Magus, Chrono Trigger
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