joe profile picture


Dont despise cuz you aint me... Theyll never be another nigga like me....

About Me

Im italian and def proud, 6 Ft black hair and hazel eyes...thin but chiseled guinney...haha... definite sports lover..I'd say im one of the nicer, more considerate, compassionate, open minded guys you'll meet...UNTIL you push my buttons or try to insult my intelligence..then i can easliy turn into a prick..So watch your step ..haha..Ive been through a lot so im pretty thorough and seasoned.I can be articulate, analytical, neourotic,narcissistic, Intense, Apathetic, Compulsive...But at the end of the day im just a witty sarcastic egotisitcal, and spirited dick..haha... Anything else you wanna know feel free to inquire within, im multi-dimensional, versatile, jack of all trades, master of a pretty regular guy thats inclined to party a little and have fun alot...........
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My Interests

Working out, goin to the beach, playing pool, Shoreline bar scene, Eating like a 400 pound obese man with a nigg@s out. Bikeriding, entertaining and romancin the ladies, i love women (preferably mature ones), im pretty social, active and enthusiastic, comedy i have a pretty good sense of humor and i think thats vital in everyone, i love sports, im a part time baller( on the gym hardwood not my is my past time i go to shows and concerts whenever i can make it... usually at Starland...

I'd like to meet:

Wilt chamberlin, to ask him his secret on scoring 20,000 women, (joking), King george (Steingrabber),Jessica alba, Bobba Fett, The ghost of Big Bill, Amanda bynes, John Starks, Sequel, Hank the angry drunken dwarf, O.J (to whack him with a fake Crotch, Glenn Farrington, Inky and blinkie, Marty king king of the mimics, Mike Judge, Briana Banks, micheal jackson (to tug on his nose) that dude with the hook, the older Maxwell, a member of my family that's sober, a sane yet attractive girl, and last but not least Zang Zip...NAh i dont take shit seriously anymore so whoevers game sexy and fun def dont hesitate to make the first move.....


Alright you ready for your head to spin???...... everything from U2 to Tupac, Zeppelin, Scorpions,Tool,Metallica, Yes, Alice in Chains, Bad Company, Billy joel, 3 Doors down, Nirvana, Shinedown, Boston, Candlebox, Bush, Squeeze,D. Bowie , Days of the New, Eric Clapton , Default, Mystikal, Pearl Jam, Moody blues, Pink floyd, puddle of mud, Chili peppers, Rush, Snoop Dog, Staind, Soundgarden, Steely Dan , The Cars,The Clash, the Kinks , the Who, Warren G, Offspring, Pretenders, Diana Ross, Theory of a dead man, Traffic, Wu-Tang Clan, Steve miller band,Alicia Keys, Jethro Tull, Aerosmith, Fabulous, Amber, Allman Brothers, Creed, Journey, Fleetwood Mac, Foo fighters, Elton John, Def Leopard,The beatles, Nickleback, Oasis, Foreigner, Supertamp, C.S.N.Y, Tom petty, Soul asylum, Ludacris, Bon Jovi, Eve, counting crows, the Doors, Stone temple pilots, Tantric, to Mariah carey.. uhh wait a minute nah that slipped out im on such a roll... Anyway i got a vast music taste, its my pastime...


Breakfast club, Weird science, Fear, Basketball diaries,Ruthless people, 48 hours, Menace II society, Noogie bites, Twin action, Friday,The Superman with Richard Prior, Total Recall, Private Parts (by Stern) Deeper 31, Stand by Me, All the original Star wars, Moving violations, Brewsters Millions, Cant buy me love, that movie with Bruce willis, Men in black, Clerks, Crackhead Jay and silent Smith's adventure....uhh i mean, ahh forget it, Platoon, Full metal jacket, Gremlins, Cujo.. Cape Fear,


Not an enormous t.v guy, but when i make time ill watch CSI, those E! true hollywood stories, VHI behind the music,OZ the series, a lot of sports (namely basketball, baseball and football and UFC fighthing)... Curb your enthuisasm, Sopranos, Fear factor ill watch sometimes..and Im a Howard Stern fantatic gotta love the whack pack...


Stephen king, James Patterson , Dean Koontz.. i like a little variety in my literature.. horror, action, love stories, comedic , autobiograhpes... problem is only time ive read in past 7 years have been when i was in the county... but i read a hole through the book spines than!..


Alex Rodriguez, Al Pacino, Adam Sandler, Alf, the Adamms family and but everybody alive is a hero these days cause this is a cuthroat, dog eat dog world aint it?... So for that im my own hero, ive been to helll and back, and im a stronger resilient and fly ass mutha fuckka because of it all