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more about me: i am a sophomore in college at the university of louisiana at monroe. my major is nursing, so i can take care of you guys, if you become ill. i am a very caring and unique person that comes from a rather large, loving italian family. i have one sister, and i recently became an uncle on the 1st of july. one of my favorite things to do in the world is to jump rope. i have competed, taught, and performed shows all over the united states. jumping rope is my passion and my anti-drug. the sport of jump rope is non like any other. this sport is about having fun, sharing the love, and making friendship that last a life time.

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My dog Zoey

status: single
hometown: haughton
body type: 5'7"/125/slim
ethnicity: italian
religion: catholic
zodiac sign: taurus
occupation: college student


about me: i am chadley, and that is who i am. who is this chadley you might ask? well, that is an easy question to answer. i see not black or white but in all colors of the rainbow. my views are simple. i love you and everybody. i treat everyone with a caring and a kind heart. i love to smile as well as making you smile. you can love me, you can hate me, you can keep me, or you can even leave me... whatever you choose, i will always be me because i am what i am, and ''life is not worth a damn until you can shout out, i am what i am!''

male/20 years old/louisiana
birthday: may 11 th

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comment chadley here!

jump rope: Some jump ropers spend all their time practicing and competing in hopes to winning the gold medal. Other jumpers are just as pleased to place in the top ten. What may seem as significant in winning a gold medal to some people, is just as important as winning anything to others. No matter how one views nationals we all are winning something when it‘s all over. We push our self to do good, and to work hard in hopes to becoming a successful jump roper. Practicing is the main priority in anything, if you want to become good at the subject. No matter how hard we work or how hard we practice, we have that one chance to “wow” or to please the judges. If all fails, it’s all over until next year... On the other hand, Nationals is not about winning. It sure does help if we win, and by all means, do we want the gold, but nationals is about spending time with friends we haven’t seen in years. In addition to meeting new people from other teams and making friendships that last a lifetime. So are we really missing out on anything if we don’t place the gold or even in the top ten? In jump rope, even if we don‘t place in the top ten or even in the top twenty, we all win something by the end of the day. After the long competition we all are rewarded with the ultimate gold. It’s better than any grand’s trophy or anything that any other sport could give us. This is the reward in having the best friendships!

click: usa jump rope

my sister and me

My Blog

Song Titles For My Love

I cant control myself when Im with you. I just want to swing life away and not have to worry about what hurts the most.  You are my crush and for you I will clime the highest mountain. Id do anyt...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 01:22:00 PST

Girls Are Smarter Than Guys

Today in class my teacher read me an email he received that I found kind of amusing... Girls Are Smarter Than Guys: There once was this guy that would inherit 5 million dollars after his father's dea...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:26:00 PST


I was bored, so I decided to draw a picture of my best friend, Jonathan. ...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 05:19:00 PST

Love Not Discrimination

One boy may like football, and another boy may like ballet. Whatever one likes, the choice is his, and no one should try to make him not like that choice. Some people in the world are very criticizin...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 02:56:00 PST

Always & Forever

The poem I made for my baby, only my baby!   Always When we are together, I feel such passion. I care about you, not your look or fashion. But we are apart, you're all I ever miss. What I want m...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:27:00 PST


What is pride!? Is pride someone who is arrogance and conceit, or is it someone who believes in self- respect. Pride can good or it maybe bad. Too much pride is never good, but sometimes pride is con...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 06:29:00 PST

Stupid vs Gay

Stupidadj. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake. Dazed, stunned, or...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 07:23:00 PST

The L Word

"When you here the word love what comes to mind?" Mr. Hayden asked my 3rd block english class. Most people came up with a person's name, and romance. Here is what my page of love consist of... The L W...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 07:21:00 PST

Jump Rope On ESPN

ESPN AIR DATES FOR 2005 NATIONALS ANNOUNCED:   Monday, October 10, 2005 - 1 Hour Show, 8:30 p.m. Central/Standard - ESPN 2 Friday, November 11, 2005 - 1/2 Show, 2:30 p.m. Central/Standard - ES...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 05:35:00 PST

15 Reasons To Date A Jump Roper

     15. we do it at record-breaking speeds     14. we can do triples till we're blue in the face     13. we get very creativ...
Posted by ♣CH♥DL∃Y on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 05:21:00 PST