Butt-Head profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

uuuhhhhh hi. My names like Butthead and this is my myspace. Its pretty cool and stuff. uuhhhhh i like hot girls with big thingys and i like to score with them! uhhhhuhhhh Beavis is an idiot. uuhhhhhh oh ya i also work at a place called burger world, that sucks. Nochos rules and like my favorite drink are fruit wraps. uuuuuhhhhhh thats it i think. uuhhhhh oh ya im also like a movie star or something because im like in a show called beavis and butthead, thats pretty cool huhuhuhhuh.uuuuhhhhh heres like a video of me and Beavis working at Burger World. Its pretty cool. uuhhhhh make sure you like turn down the music so you can here it then when you do that like press the play button thingy and watch it. like enjoy.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Some Hot Chicks. huhuhuhu.

My Blog

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