Hand Drums, Fire, Tribal, Poi, Hookah, Fantasy Novels, Literature, Farsi, Incense, Magick, Spirituality, The Occult, Crowley, Greer, Tai Chi, Bicycles, Candles, Politics, Creative Writing, Masks, Sewing, Gypsy Fashion, Tarot, Anything Persian, Renaissance Faires, D&D, MMORPGs, World of Warcraft, Tea, Belly Dance
We are the kings of wisdom, the fools as well
We are the gods to many, we are humble men
We who build great works just to break them down
We who make our rules so we never fail
Industrial, SynthPop, ambient, noise, goth, electronic, dark wave, classical music etc.
MirrorMask, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Transamerica, Children of Heaven, Offside, House of Sand and Fog, Waking Life, Boondock Saints, The 5th Element, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
I like The West Wing, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy (guilty pleasure), The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, PBS, Discovery Channel, and the Berkeley channel... but I don't really watch anything anymore. I download shows sometimes, though..
I gave up on keeping this current a long time ago. A couple years ago, I basically sat down and copied the titles of one of my book cases. At the time, I had enough books to fill three.. and I've bought and read many more books since then. I don't want to remove it, it took too long to type it out, and at the very least this list should give you a general idea of my tastes, and some of the things I've enjoyed reading in the past.
All I do is read.
Here goes: The Satanic Versus by Salmon Rushdie, Dead Sea Scrolls as translated by Wise Abegg and Cook, A new Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, The Meaning of Masonry, The Templar Revelation, The Knights Templar, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Arab Historians of the Crusades, The New Hermetics, Northern Mysteries and Magick by Freya Aswynn, Zen in the Art of Archery, The Way of Life, Essential Sufism, Essential Tibetan Buddhism, Awakening to Zen, Plato The Last Days of Socrates and The Republic, Paradise Lost, Aristotle, Kafka, Nietzsche, Voltaire, Ayn Rand, The Political Thought of Mao TseTung by Schram, Marx, The Essential Works of Anarchism by Shatz, Political Parties, The Symbolic Uses of Politics, THe Politics of Protest, Bush at War, How to Overthrow the Government by Arianna Huffington, We're Right They're Wrong by James Carville, East Meets West, Conscious Evolution, The Child's Perception of Time by Piaget, Jung's Answer to Job, Persian Mirrors, Reading Lolita in Tehran, Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Dante, Sophocles, Virgil, Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Biographies on Napoleon, An Unquiet Mind, The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant, The Government and Politics of China by Waller (a good intro book), The Sword of the Prophetby Robert Goldston, New Light on Space and Time, God's Grave's and Scholars, Parecon by Michael ALbert, Liberating Theory, CHOMSKY, Descartes, Hume, Hegel, Sartre, John Donne, Sir Walter Ralegh, Christopher Marlowe, Locke, Alexander Pope, Chaucer, The Making of the President, I Lucifer, The Dante Club, Like the Red Panda, Steinbeck, The Count of Monte Cristo, Edith Wharton, Stranger in a Strange Land, an embarresingly HUGE collection of fantasy novels (should I list these? They are just as beautiful as the intellectual crap), and many more that I can't remember that I'll try to add later..