I am a visual artist. I like to paint, and try to do so everyday. I enjoy using water color and acrylic. I am influenced by Vassily Kandinsky, Juan Miro, Paul Klee, Salvador Dali, Oedilon Redon, Andrea Mategna, Ingres, Picasso, and the abstract expressionists, especially Robert Motherwell. I use the power of the moment and allow my mind to suggest shapes and colors. I live life much as a contemplative would. I am a Christian/Buddhist if such a thing can exist. I believe that our consciousness is the most precious gift that we are given and am committed to the long journey in Cosmic evolution. Like my art this is a work in progress. My favorite season is spring when everything buds out again and life is renewed. Blessings of God and the Buddhas be upon us all. May you be well and happy.
Precious Padmasambhava
Padmasambhava brought the first thread of Buddhism
to Tibet. He was a great master who tamed many demons and spread the Dharma teachings in Tibet.
make love
Shakyamuni Buddha
Buddha's enlightenment still shakes the world!
I'm a hippie goth... it's all about the journey..##
my occult guide
Mahakala protects and guides giving the twin jewels of
life and wisdom!
Peace out... Buddha has attained wisdom and compassion/p>
Refuge and Bodhicitta Prayer
until enlightenment I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
Reason Behind your Birth- A buddhist song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3pATKNuk6I
Buddha is born in all of our minds.