¦[ ...c0s my heart aint Lying. ]¦ i "generaL"Ly miss DIMITRI0S my 1 n 0nLy 24/7 if hes n0t by my side 0r in my arms. 0ther than that i "general"LLy...wuLd ratha stay in n chiLL @ h0me with frends with dvds n L8 nite taLks but i bareLy say n0 2 g0ing 0ut; if its a party 0r even 4 a nice cruuz especiaLLy 0n magicaL summer nites... n 0fc0urse the b0uz0ukia... i cant wait tiL we hit sydney L0L n i actuaLLy hav my Ps, i L0ve reading, i L0ve p0etry n i aLs0 wana traveL the w0rLd 1 day- im a kiLLer 4 different cuLtures/beLiefs/cust0ms... anythng difrent fr0m w0t im used 2 intrigues me -i L0VE art, it reLaxes me... gimi paper n a Led penciL 0r paint n itL 0ccupy me 4 h0urs thats if i d0nt HAVE 2 d0 it, the hsc has driven me L00ney- maj0r w0rks r cumng 0uta my ears... b00.
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow PE0PLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE AND JUS DONT PRETEND THEY D0... if u kn0 me feeL free 2 add me- h0wever if u d0nt, ...if ur stiLL interested? n wana get 2 kn0 me aLs0 feeL free 2 get 2 kn0 me aLth0... <[PLEASE MSG ME B4 U ADD ME AS A FREND, 0THERWISE UL B DENIED>] p freaken s. d0nt dare if ur n0t guna taLk 2 me, im n0t here 2 rack up my frend c0unt 2 1000... ta!
im reaLi in2 evrything n000 n0t JUST GREEK, hip-h0p/r'n'b, dance/trance/h0use/nrg bLa bLa bLaaa im actuaLLi getn in2 bLues, punk, eLectr0, indie, f0Lk, em0, scream0, g0thic r0ck, metaL, jazz L0LLL ye nething reaLi depending 0n my m00d
h0w am i sp0sed 2pik! iLL stik 2 genres umm 0k h0w am i stiLL sp0sed 2 pik, IM IN2 EVRYTHING MOVIES AS L0NG AS IT D0NT PUT ME 2 SLEEP...but... F0REIGN MOVIES make american m0vies L00k Like p00and i aLs0 L0ve sh0rt fiLms, i L0ve fiLm festivaLs wher aLL u need is a therm0s n a bLanket. i cant wait 2 tr0pfest next year... expensive wine, water crackers n sundried t0mat0es L0L a therm0s n bLanket n0 i d0nt think s0 we r s0 g0ing way 0ut next year... Lexy, danieL?
actuaLi n0. its caLLd utube:.. width="425" height="350" ..
...my macquarie dicti0nary... an ast0nishing read.
neb0di h00 depite aLL theyv sufferd can L00k @ Life in the m0st unc0mpLic8d way... th@ kind 0f faith is indescribabLe... ppL wh0 hav L0st evrythng but r abLe 2 stiL b 0pn n *S*M*I*L*E*