..♥cJ♥.. profile picture


About Me

 datman studios was here wl1♥♥wSuP i'm Cj! Sorry but i oNLy accept fRieNds & cOOl peeps i've met b4! ThOSe of U whO know me, knOw my fuLL name & shOuLd aLready knOw THAT...i LiVe HeRe in OgDen, buT i'm FRoM YuBa CiTY/ SaCRamenTo 916 BaBy! A LiL abOuT me: 1st of all..NO i'm NOT Armenian, Turkish, Egyptian or from anywhere oVer seas! I AM SeXaKin wiT a lil FreNCh (i kNOw FREnCh, whO'da thOuGht?) i'm a JuNiOR @ weBer sTate UniVersiTy. I'm swEET & NiCE whiCh mOst peoPLe don'T eXPecT. OnCE TheY KnOw mE, TheY LoVE me :) I'm QuiET in The BegiNNinG, buT when I geT To kNow sOmebODy i ReaLLy Open UP...I Have a lil bOy whO's now 8yRs oLd! WheRe dOes the tiMe gO?? My LiL PriNce :) whO is My LIfe and is a TRUE BLESSING givin tO me and was aCTuallY boRn on MY BirThday! The beSt giFt EVER! =] My famiLy meaNs the wORLd tO me! I'm a biG timE mamas giRL! She's the beSt moTher/faTheR in the wOrLd & is aLways theRe fOR me...i lOve U mommy! My lil sisTer AnG (on-ha-leen) lol..U craZy sis buT i wOuLd dO anyThiNg fOr U! She's liKe my giaNt kid that smOKes & says SHIT alot =P I LOve u sisTer..N eveRy1 knOws MY lil brOTher is my lil nigguh! We gOt our owN lil bOnd & he's the oNLY maLe rOle mOdeL my sOn has & i lOve him fOr iT!SO don't be fOOled by my SWEET looKs...huRt aNy of them..and i'LL deNt yOuR faCe!I LOve waTChiNg mOvies wiTh my famiLy, gOiNG ouT wiT my giRLs and spending time with my son. I cOlleCt PURSES...ok OK i'M obseSSed with PURSES! I juSt caN't have enough! I'm the beSt aT dOiNg eyebROws & maKe-up, juSt asK my cLieNts! (so if u need uR brOws re-shaped,gROw em' out & hiT me Up!) My FaVoRITE DriNk is A LonG iSLand and i can sip on ChardOnnaY all niGhT... The CLubs aLrighT, BuT i'LL seTTLe fOR BeER & dORiTos whiLE waTChiNg fOOTbaLL anY DAy! GO RAIDERS! I'm a DeLaHOya fan, but his preTTy faCe needs tO reTire aLready =( i thiNk JeSSiCa ALba & Kim K are the hOtteSt effiN chiCs ouT theRe! I HaTe The cOLoR YELLoW & PLeaSe DO NoT saY OR sHOW mE OLiveS!! EW! I refuse to eat kiwi's...if u daRe, asK me WHY! U might nOT eveR eaT theM agaiN haha So if u knOw the GOOD FRIEND that i am...message, comment or caLL mE..afTeR 9pm! haha J/K! BUT If uR tRyN tO haTe...theN u DON'T knOw me...buT u beTTer asK sOmebody...BITCH
..♥ Be kinder than necessary, for everyone U meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, love generously, speak kindly..leave the rest to God. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain ♥..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MOst impORtaNt: My Lord Jesus Christ. I caN't waiT to thaNk Him fOr all thaT he's dOne fOr me! And theN i have my giRLs J.Lo & JessiCa ALba! And i'm suRe my husBands PauL WaLKer & T.I want me tO cOME HOme sOme day :) CLiffOrd HaRRis i luV U! =]

My Blog

For All Mothers..(long but worth it)

"Loving is the toughest job mom has" (from Chicken Soup for the Soul) I was once told that I couldn’t understand because I didn’t have children.  A friend at work had been granted ye...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:37:00 GMT

U know ur MEXican...

1. There is at least one member of your family named Maria, Guadalupe, Jose, Juan or Jesus. 2. You call your sneakers "tenees" 3. Others tell you to stop screaming, when really you are just talking...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:33:00 GMT

The Why’s of Men

 The Why's of Men1. WHY DO MEN BECOME SMARTER DURING SEX?(because they are plugged into a genius)2. WHY DON'T WOMEN BLINK DURING SEX?(they don't have enough time)3. WHY DOES IT TAKE 1 MILLION SP...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:06:00 GMT

The Perfect Store!!

This is hilarious!A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operat...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 12:57:00 GMT