*what’s up every one well if u are looking on my page u can tell i am having a baby boy and right now that is all I am thinking about!!!Nothing in this world matters to me right now my baby is my life, my everything and he hasn’t even stepped out into this world yet! I am so happy me and Patrick are better then ever, i guess a baby really does change things not saying u should have a baby to be happy come on.... don’t be stupid. But man having Aiden has changed my whole entire life till the day i die and no man, friend, or family member could do such a thing it is amazing. I love to fill him moving in my tummy and when he gets the hiccups it is so funny! the only thing I don’t like is getting big like a walrus that moves like a turtle that every one walks past =(. day in and day out I think about Aiden from what he will look like to what i want him to be when he grows up, it some times gets distracting and I find my self not paying attention in class OOPS! but what can I say I LOVE my baby and when u love someone or something soooo much it is very hard to get them out of your mind.