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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Kissing Style?
MY RESULT: Feisty Kisser
You’re ready to knock ‘em dead with your kisses (or at least rough them up a little bit).
We know this much about you – you’re an enthusiastic kisser. You’d run a mile for the right kiss, and afterwards you’d still have enough energy in you to squeeze the living breath out of the person you’re kissing. While we love your gusto, don’t be afraid of playing hard-to-get every now and then. It’ll keep your crushes on their toes (and keep their skin relatively bruise-free).
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Flirt Style?
MY RESULT: Friend First
You’d rather date a friend than a stranger. So you try to become friends with everyone, just in case.
You’ve got a great flirt technique going on. You realize that friends are more important than dates, and you’ll move a little slowly in the romance game if it means keeping everyone your pal. Where could it go wrong? Well, your crushes might not even realize that you like them as more than a friend. Be their friends, but don’t be shy with your feelings, you know? Especially if your friends are hot.
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
MY RESULT: Dream Girl
You’ve got it all – affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that guys want their girlfriends to have.
You’re light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy – a great combination. When you start a relationship, there’s a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you’re sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)
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