About Me
Check out my now deceased but attempting reanimation band, Motaba . Got some music up. woot. Anyhoo.
Taking a break from the SCA these days, normally hanging within The Company. Running around in armor with people who are quite a bit larger than me beating me up with big sticks happens to be my idea of a damn good time, but I gotta focus.
I drool on pillows. And talk in my sleep. Sometimes I twitch. I don't think I like that terribly much.
My dreams are nearly too wacky too explain. I sometimes wake up and confuse the hell out of myself just trying to remember them.
I don't like most music. It's not a matter of simplicity or technicality, it's a matter of creating engaging art with natural flow, atop fair compositional choices and a competent level of playing on the parts of all instruments involved. This very much gets in the way of simple appreciation. I tend to trust everyone's musical opinion at least once, due that a poor choice in music is a form of personal serial aural molestation. Hence, I listen to talk radio. 550. KFYI. George Noory. Fuckin'a.
This reminds me of somebody.
The music that does move me gives me a full body high and can nearly make me hallucinate. Then that whole drooly thing starts again.
Enclosed in this next babble box is the truest stage performance that has ever existed. Doublebass had the same part as cello. Hearing another man speak of our communal affliction was cathartic.
I love stories. All sorts of stories. Stories about squirrels, even. I love squirrels. And I like my girls squirrely. oo.
I like knowing rather than guessing. I'd rather not even think about something than make an improper assumption. From what I've experienced, assumption leads to insanity. And the throwing of objects. In that order.
If somebody tells me -anything- about a movie or a book before I get my grubby paws on it, it ruins the whole thing. And, by God, if you tell me there's a twist at the end, I gotta wait at least two years to forget the whole conversation before I grab whatever it is. I got my guys at Blockbuster trained in this.
Men ARE from Mars. I have a telescope. Women, I can't tell. There's far too many atmospheric gases on Venus to get a good look. Which really makes sense, if you think about it. I think Li'l Dave's at least part Venusian.
I nearly sanctify balls-out truth over all the little grey areas that others consider honesty to validate their own positive personal view of themselves. This also means that I'm a really bad witness to have on the stand if you want to get out of it. Sorry!
Used to be a jock. And a geek. At the same time. No shit.
I used to have a solo project called SiGSEGV. Even though I love singing, don't particularly like my voice. I think maybe ten people heard it. Most of whom were either playing on it, related or sleeping with me, so they had to say nice things.
And my stage name used to be Brokkvs Adonis Sphinctvs. It's a Fladermaus thing. We really dug History of the World Part I. Li'l Dave's (Balogneovs Androgynovs Poneovs) sis came up with the Adonis bit. Shut up. It was cute.
I occasionally hear voices. But they really don't say anything other than "JOHN" in a really creepy whispery voice, then I'm wide awake and can't sleep for a while.
I talk to myself. And sing to myself. I even have a song for the rough times. And no, you can't know it. This usually takes place in the shower.
If I'm out of the shower in less than 30 minutes, my roommate pops around the corner and interrogates me about my mental state, and how am I feeling?
I'm oblivious. I don't notice everyday things. I think my rackets have been next to the front door for almost a year.
I name all of my cherished possessions. Cars, instruments, electronic devices, whatever. Standard reply to the standard query after being imparted this knowledge, is no, I do not have a name for my junk.
I have a 2nd Wife. She was originally The Wife, but I broke her neck. Now she's fretless with EMGs.
Best video...ever. Thanks, Cleo :)
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." -Joseph Chilton Pearce
My only secrets that I keep to myself are little things that I consider my own personal treasures. So, if you ask, it's on your head.
. doop de doop da bwip la de supercalawhackamolestik oo .
I love music over writing, writing over speaking, and speaking only occasionally over silence.
Silence is the music of possibility.