Dun The Veil profile picture

Dun The Veil

About Me

At a young age when most children would of been looking forward to the next new toy, Paul Murray, walked onto the roundwood park stage and performed in front of 40.000 people at the age of 7 and spent years crafting his writing skills for the hope of a debut release of an album. Paul says the album also benefits from a Nashville sound.,
“I've learned so much being out there every night singing,” he says. “How to grab people with a song. To have and keep control. I’ve always been into country music listening to stuff on the radio and trying to figure out how and why it sounds so good and how they do harmonies. What so great about performing live every night is building the strength up to knock them out with a great song. I've tried to bring that into my writing skills for this album. Giving the material a kind of moving power.”

My Interests


Member Since: 13/04/2006
Band Website: www.duntheveil.co.uk
Band Members:
Singer/Songwriter and guitarist Paul Murray

Drummer Richard Spooner,

Guitarist Phil Rynhart

and Violinist/String Arranger Antonia Pagulatos.

You Can Now Buy "Tears On The Window Pane" on

You Can Now Buy "Easystreet" on

Type of Label: Unsigned

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