Football, lifting, God, my friends, vacations (especially cruises), roller coasters, and of course women.
Terrell Owens, Donovan McNabb, John Madden, Dick Marcinko, Osama Bin Laden, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal, Sean Connery, and George W. Bush.
Old School Rock and Rap: Aerosmith, Billy Joel, Billy Squier, Bon Jovi, Boston, Bruce Springsteen, Def Leppard, Duran Duran, Elton John, Foreigner, Guns N' Roses, J. Geils Band, Jackson 5 and all of Michael Jackson when he was still black, Journey, Kansas, Ludacris, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Meat Loaf, Nelly, Notorious B.I.G., 50 Cent, Queen, Tupac, Rascal Flatts (my one exception to my loathing of country), Rick Springfield, Rush, Scorpions, Snoop Dog, Styx, and Van Halen.
Animal House, Armageddon, Con Air, Under Seige, the Terminators, the Rockys, The Unforgiven, Heartbreak Ridge, High Plains Drifter, Independence Day, Predator, Commando, The Natural, the Star Wars trilogy, the Indiana Jones trilogy, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Revenge of the Nerds, Big Daddy, The Waterboy, and pretty much any movie that is good.
Sportscenter, Football Games, and thats pretty much it; TV blows, movies are where it's at.
Ulysses, Paradise Lost, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dracula, the Harry Potter series, Great Expectations, good classics, ya know?
God, Jesus Christ, my dad, my Uncle Mike, and any man that has served or is serving in the armed forces for the United States of America...