Beer, music, keeping in shape,tight female behinds,beer my next lifetime. Hopefully I won't be a flute player!!
Grandma's boy..Grandma's boy..Grandma's boy..The Italian Job..S.W.A.T...Matrix(the 1st one)..Shawshenk Redemption..Pirates of the C..The Replacements
Nothing worth the time. AMERICAN idols audition episodes which keep reminding me that the human race is quite comical and very clueless.
...Da Vinci code(Dan Brown)...Traveling music(NEAL PEART) ...Intensity(Dean Koontz)...Dictionaries...
Drumsticks and drumkits.....Beer and Books.....Protein shakes and porno. YES, the persons who made all of that heroes!!!!!! sorry, boobs...not books