defending my cats' honor, writing checks for amounts under 5 bucks; movies with more conversations than explosions, skepticism, cynicism, neurosis aka:al brooks and woody allen, my ibook (like butta!!!!), triumph the insult comic dog, THE DUDE, painting furniture, the plane hangers on the old el toro marine base, scarrry movies, back massages/scratches, motivated people, the brood, alll shades of green, film, the arctic and it's opposite, the antarctic, air drummers, and ofcourse bareback rides through fields of jasmine.
Chereth Cutestory and James Bond of the Daniel Craig variety ...(don't you say nerd, don't you say, woman, children-I know we all feel it in the loins when he's on screen-you can't deny that dammit! you just can't because your underwear will prove you a liar! A liar i say!) Steve Nash on Charlie Rose.
Hey Jake, how's old Rum Tum Tugger doing? Um, Jake, Mr. Mistoffelees is looking for you, Jake? Where'd you go?
lets get serious: The Big Lebowski-beyond El Duderino: DAVE CHAPELLE'S BLOCK PARTY, ADAPTATION, Any Werner Herzog movie (most currently, RESCUE DAWN) and most Albert Brooks movies. The recent slew of macho beauty: 3:10 TO YUMA, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, (I'm guessing ahead of time: THERE WILL BE BLOOD)
HBO BABY! (not including Arli$$ but not limited to Real Sex) THE SOPRANOS, SIX FEET UNDER, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, THE OFFICE (the british version which, no matter what you say, is and always will be better).
John Updike's Rabbit Series***there's a class i took and we read some great books in there:, covering islam, manufacturing consent, Don't think of an elephant!, On Humor. If you want to be politically/technically/satirically savy these books rule and are great for understanding the politics of news, humor and well, politics without studying somewhat dry political theory. yea!